Accélérez votre transformation numérique avec Everense

UX-UI design and usability testing

Reinvent customer interaction
with intuitive design

Reinvent customer interaction
with intuitive design

For your digital media, opt for a perfect symbiosis of aesthetics and functionality, with functional user experience (UX) design and elegant user interface (UI) design, all validated by rigorous and reliable usability testing.

For your digital media, opt for a perfect symbiosis of aesthetics and functionality, with functional user experience (UX) design and elegant user interface (UI) design, all validated by rigorous and reliable usability testing.

-40 %

the bounce rate on your website

+45 %

user engagement

+20 %

growth in lead conversion rates

-40 %

the bounce rate on your website

+45 %

user engagement

+20 %

growth in lead conversion rates

A group of people holding sparklers in front of a bubble for Amélioration satisfaction client.

Outstanding visual impact,
optimized user experience

Ergonomic excellence is the new standard.

Your users are looking for more than just interaction; they want memorable experiences. Forget the guesswork and enter an era of certainty: Everense designers create designs that look just like you, combining style and functionality with validated performance.

Each interface is rigorously tested against strict criteria, leaving no room for guesswork and going far beyond mere aesthetics. The user is put at the heart of every graphic choice, ensuring that every interaction responds intuitively to their needs, transforming their experience into an enriching and memorable journey.


Optimized user experience (UX) takes your ROI to new heights


User interfaces (UI) that adapt to the needs of your audience


Reliable, rigorous usability tests guarantee impeccable quality


UX-UI, the irresistible duo for boosting audience engagement and retention

The growing challenge of user experience

The other side of digital evolution

With an average of 80% of users less inclined to return after a bad user experience, the digital landscape is unforgiving.

The challenge? Keep an interface that not only evolves with trends, but also remains powerful and intuitive as technology advances.

A group of people standing next to a suitcase with a star on it, demonstrating quality assurance in software development.

The high cost of inaction

Ignoring the importance of UX-UI is not only a mistake, it’s a recipe for obsolescence.

Inaction means frustrated users, reduced engagement and, inevitably, lost revenue. In a world where every click counts, can you really afford to be idle?

Ready to turn your challenges into opportunities?

The winning formula:
UX + UI + usability testing

At the intersection of ergonomic interface design, customer journey optimization and usability technology lies your solution: attractiveness, performance and reliability.

These elements, though distinct, work together to ensure that every digital interaction becomes a memorable experience for your users.

An illustration of a man pointing at a phone screen during software testing for quality assurance.

Competitive analysis

Careful market exploration allows us to optimize our strategic position in harmony with your users’ needs and expectations, giving us a significant competitive edge.

User path mapping

Illustrating visitors’ journeys enhances understanding and optimizes interactions, facilitating an enriched and consistent user experience.

Responsive design

Guarantee every user an optimal experience, whatever their screen size, by adopting a responsive design that visually adjusts the content displayed.

Usability testing

Make sure every design element is optimized by testing it in real-life conditions, to identify and eliminate friction points for a smoother user experience.

Continuous optimization

Make sure your design keeps pace with market constraints, with regular updates that reflect current trends and user feedback.

User search

Explore your users’ needs and desires in depth via targeted solutions, using the design thinking method for an agile and refined approach.

Wireframing and prototyping

Precise mock-ups provide a clear visualization, enabling the user experience to be fine-tuned before moving on to the concrete implementation phase.

Interaction design

Design fluid, intuitive interfaces that encourage user engagement and boost conversion, making every interaction simple, pleasant and effective.

A/B tests

Make wise choices by directly comparing different design variations, enabling you to make an informed assessment of the impact of each element on the user experience.

Training and workshops

Equip your team with the know-how to maintain and improve user experience (UX) over time, with interactive educational sessions and hands-on workshops.

Every component of our solution is designed to meet your prospects’ immediate needs and anticipate their desires, simplifying every interaction and making digital UI and UX design a valuable asset for your offering.

Ready to optimize user experience through design?

Une capture d'écran d'un jeu avec un fond orange.

Boost your ROI with remarkable experiences

Opting for a solid UX-UI design solution coupled with usability testing isn’t just about an aesthetic update. It’s a strategic decision that positions your company for maximum growth.

These benefits aren’t just “extras”, they’re vital to establishing a lasting connection with your prospects and boosting your ROI.

These are not just promises. These are tangible, measurable and sustainable improvements. And the best part? Your users – just like you – are at the heart of this revolution.

Improved customer satisfaction

With intuitive, attractive designs that respond to users' needs, you can significantly increase their satisfaction, strengthening their loyalty to your brand.

Higher conversion rates

Careful UX-UI design reduces friction during navigation, encouraging more users to convert and interact, improving your sales performance.

Drop-out rate

By offering clear, engaging paths, you encourage your users to stay, browse and purchase, reducing abandonment rates and boosting engagement.


An optimized design approach reduces customer support requests and increases user autonomy, promoting more agile management and judicious resource allocation.

Competitive advantage

Faced with a myriad of digital options, offer a distinctive user experience that positions your brand in pole position in consumers' minds.

Everense design methodology: the key to your success

Our methodology goes beyond simple implementation. With Everense, it’s a strategic transformation that puts your user at the heart of every decision, guaranteeing an incomparable return on investment.

Everense design methodology: the key to your success

Our methodology goes beyond simple implementation. With Everense, it’s a strategic transformation that puts your user at the heart of every decision, guaranteeing an incomparable return on investment.

Creative and analytical fusion:
the Everense signature

At the start of a project, a collaborative approach based on your needs guides each design decision towards a precise strategic objective, while exploring the world of your users to better understand their motivations and aspirations.

An illustration of a woman pointing at a computer screen, highlighting software testing for cost reduction and quality assurance.

Validation and optimization around
user experience

Flexibility guides our agile methodology, testing and refining each element to optimize the solution’s effectiveness and relevance. Every step of the way, close collaboration with your team – an essential partner – enriches UX-UI excellence.

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Active listening

We start every project by actively listening to your needs, ensuring that every design decision serves a strategic purpose.

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Close collaboration

You’re more than a customer, you’re a partner. We work closely together every step of the way, ensuring an aligned vision.

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Extended search

Let’s delve into the world of your users to understand their motivations, their pains and their desires, so we can create solutions that are truly adapted to them.

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The art and science of design

Our methodology adapts to changing trends, ensuring that your solution remains relevant, effective and user-centric.

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Iteration and validation

Our iterative process means that we are constantly refining, testing each element to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.

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Continuous feedback

Your feedback – and that of your users – is essential. By incorporating this feedback on a regular basis, we can guarantee a solution that perfectly matches identified needs.

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Test, analyze, optimize

We don’t just “think” that our designs work. We test, analyze and optimize until the results are there.

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Delivery and support

Beyond simple delivery, we offer ongoing support to ensure that your designs remain at peak performance.

The voices of our satisfied partners

The voices of our satisfied partners

what they say about us

“Everense has transformed our vision into a digital reality.” “Their attention to detail and UI/UX expertise are second to none.”

Caroline P.

what they say about us

“I was blown away by the quality of the usability testing.” “With Everense, every decision is justified by hard data.”

Mehdi O.
Marketing Director


a visible transformation

Redefining a startup's platform

Faced with stagnating conversion rates, this startup came to us to rethink their user experience. Thanks to a series of usability tests and design redesigns, we increased their conversion rate by 25% in just three months.


a visible transformation

Successful launch of an "ecology" app

An application dedicated to sustainability needed an intuitive design for a diverse audience. Through a combination of participatory workshops and user testing, we created an interface that was praised for its ease of use, contributing to a successful launch.

Un point d'interrogation sur fond noir, représentant une stratégie de contenu numérique personnalisée pour un développement Web personnalisé et une transformation numérique sur mesure.

Your questions, our answers

Discover the questions most frequently asked by our customers about our UI/UX design and usability testing solution. We provide you with clear answers to better meet your needs.

UI (User Interface) is about the visual aspect of your product – how it looks and feels. UX (User Experience), on the other hand, is about how the user interacts with your product, ensuring smooth, intuitive navigation. Both are essential to ensure an optimal user experience.

Test duration depends on the complexity of your project and the type of test recommended (remote, moderate/qualitative, quantitative/video, questionnaire, survey). In general, it takes at least a week from the kick-off meeting to the first results. The steps are as follows 1. initial contact to find out about your problems and advise you on the type of test best suited to your needs ; 2. kick-off meeting ; 3. writing the test protocol ; 4. test launch ; 5. data collection and analysis ; 6. presentation of results at a meeting. Our aim is always to achieve reliable results while respecting your schedule.

Usability testing can reveal interaction problems that you or your team may not have noticed. By understanding the obstacles your users face, you can improve your product to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.

A well-designed interface results in a positive user experience. This is essential to guarantee user satisfaction and keep them coming back. As part of the digital transformation, they are the direct link between the user and your brand, influencing their perception and loyalty.

Absolutely! At Everense, we believe in working closely with our customers. Your feedback is crucial to creating a design that matches your vision while meeting the needs of your users.

We’ve worked on a variety of products, from mobile applications to corporate websites and e-commerce platforms. Each product has its own unique challenges, and we’re equipped to meet them.

Take the first step towards an unrivalled user experience

Every user interaction is crucial. You’ve explored the challenges and our innovative solutions. By choosing UX-UI Design & Usability Testing by Everense, you’re opting for a transformation that generates tangible benefits. Embrace this opportunity to set your brand apart in the digital landscape.

Why is now the time to act?

On average, 75% of users evaluate a company’s credibility based on its website design. This revealing figure underlines the urgent need for action. Don’t let your brand be relegated to the background in consumers’ minds. Give yourself a chance to create a positive first impression, and position yourself as a reliable and attractive choice.

What are you waiting for?

On average, companies that neglect UX-UI lose 50% of their potential customers. Don’t let this become your reality. Every day without an optimized user experience is a missed opportunity to captivate and convert. Don’t let your business be left behind, take the necessary step today to retain your customers with every interaction.

A missed opportunity?

Every day of inaction is a lost opportunity to enrich customer interaction and boost conversion. Give yourself the chance to expand your customer base and increase your profitability right now. Inaction today could be a tangible loss tomorrow. Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers!

Are you ready to maximize your potential?