Accélérez votre transformation numérique avec Everense

Mobile Application Design and Integration

Maximize your impact
with our mobile solutions

Maximize your impact
with our mobile solutions

Your customers are looking for applications that are useful, attractive and easy to access. Create mobile applications for them that focus on their needs, and maximize your impact by making every interaction a unique and memorable experience.

Your customers are looking for applications that are useful, attractive and easy to access. Create mobile applications for them that focus on their needs, and maximize your impact by making every interaction a unique and memorable experience.

-70 %

of bugs reported by users

+45 %

user engagement

+2 stars

on average rating of application

-70 %

of bugs reported by users

+45 %

user engagement

+2 stars

on average rating of application

Quatre personnages de dessins animés brandissant divers appareils mobiles avec différentes applications sur les écrans sur un fond bleu sarcelle avec des formes abstraites, symbolisant l'assurance qualité logicielle.

Your users are mobile.
What about you?

It’s not just a question of having a mobile application, but one that reflects your brand image while being ergonomic and high-performance.

Everense understands your challenges and puts its technical expertise at your service to create innovative, high-performance mobile solutions.


Applications tailored to your brand and your target.

User experience

Smooth, responsive and easy to use.


Perfect adaptation to your existing systems for overall consistency.

and scalability

Ongoing support and applications ready for the future.

Why is
mobile-first strategy so crucial?

The other side of digital evolution

Almost 80% of Internet users today use their smartphones to shop, browse or work.

But designing and integrating a successful mobile application is far from simple. Between technological choices, compatibility with various devices and constantly evolving user expectations, the task can quickly become titanic.

Deux personnes utilisant une grande tablette numérique avec des icônes d'application sur l'écran pour les tests de sécurité informatique.

The high cost of inaction

If you neglect your mobile presence, you run the risk of seeing your customers divert to more proactive competitors.

An unintuitive or unsuitable application can cost a company up to 50% of its leads. And that’s without taking into account the deterioration in brand image and missed opportunities in an ever-growing market.

Ready to turn your challenges into opportunities?

Boost your business with
our mobile expertise

At the intersection of ergonomic interface design, customer journey optimization and usability technology lies your solution: attractiveness, performance and reliability.

It encompasses a comprehensive strategy, focused on customer needs and the specific characteristics of each company. The creation and integration of mobile applications are indispensable elements of this strategy, playing a major role in the way your customers perceive and interact with you.

Deux personnes interagissant avec un grand smartphone affichant un concept de mise en page de site Web pour les tests de performances des logiciels.

Competitive analysis

Before any development, we work with you to identify your target and your challenges, so that we can propose relevant and effective solutions.

User path mapping

Extend your reach by developing Android- and iOS-compatible apps, ensuring optimal accessibility for a wider, more diverse audience.

Responsive design

We ensure that your application integrates seamlessly into your digital ecosystem, optimizing its operational efficiency and enhancing your users’ experience.

Usability testing

Opt for a collaborative, iterative approach where we combine your feedback with that of your customers to achieve continuous improvement of the application and user satisfaction.

Continuous optimization

Our mission is to support you right from the start, adapting our methods to your pace. Our commitment: uninterrupted support to maximize your success and ease of use.

User search

Create an exceptional user experience to ensure customer loyalty, with a focus on user-friendliness, quality and satisfaction at every interaction.

Continuous optimization

We maintain and optimize your application in line with changing user needs to ensure its continued relevance and competitiveness in your market.

Interaction design

Guarantee the security of your data and those of your customers, by adopting our top-of-the-range security protocols offering unrivalled protection against potential threats and intrusions.

A/B tests

Maintain a competitive edge with frequent updates. They ensure that your products or services remain visible, accessible and meet the changing needs of your customers.

Training and workshops

Our applications grow with you, anticipating your future needs. They offer flexibility and adaptability, ensuring relevance and efficiency at every stage of your development.

Every component of our solution is designed to meet your prospects’ immediate needs and anticipate their desires, simplifying every interaction and making digital UI and UX design a valuable asset for your offering.

Ready to optimize user experience through design?

Une capture d'écran d'un jeu avec un fond orange.

Turn your mobile strategy into a competitive advantage

Imagine a potential customer downloading your application and deleting it after 2 minutes because it’s so slow.

Or worse, sharing their dissatisfaction online, dissuading other users from choosing your brand. In today’s digital landscape, a well thought-out and integrated mobile application is much more than just a tool.

It’s an expression of your brand, an extension of your services and a vector for customer engagement. The benefits are numerous, touching every aspect of your business, from marketing to customer loyalty.

Thanks to Everense, you benefit not only from a mobile application, but also from a real strategic lever, catalyzing your business objectives and strengthening your customer relations.

Enhanced customer commitment

With intuitive, attractive designs that respond to users' needs, you can significantly increase their satisfaction, strengthening their loyalty to your brand.


Careful UX-UI design reduces friction during navigation, encouraging more users to convert and interact, improving your sales performance.

Brand image

By offering clear, engaging paths, you encourage your users to stay, browse and purchase, reducing abandonment rates and boosting engagement.


An optimized design approach reduces customer support requests and increases user autonomy, promoting more agile management and judicious resource allocation.

Fast-track to market

Faced with a myriad of digital options, offer a distinctive user experience that positions your brand in pole position in consumers' minds.

The art of mobile transformation at Everense

Our methodology, forged by experience and fueled by passion, guarantees a successful mobile transformation. It aligns with your objectives while putting your users at the center of attention.

The art of mobile transformation at Everense

Our methodology, forged by experience and fueled by passion, guarantees a successful mobile transformation. It aligns with your objectives while putting your users at the center of attention.

Creative and analytical fusion:
the Everense signature

At the start of a project, a collaborative approach based on your needs guides each design decision towards a precise strategic objective, while exploring the world of your users to better understand their motivations and aspirations.

Personne interagissant avec un écran tactile affichant différentes icônes multimédia et de document, effectuant des tests de sécurité informatique.

Validation and optimization around
user experience

Understanding users’ needs, desires and behaviors is at the heart of Everense’s art of mobile transformation. This user-centered approach ensures that every solution we develop is intuitive, efficient and adapted to today’s mobile environment. As a result, Everense customers benefit from high-end mobile tools that transform the way they work, communicate and interact with the digital world.

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Active listening

Where others simply follow, Everense anticipates. When you choose Everense, you opt for a strategic approach, guided by passionate experts.

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Close collaboration

You’re more than a customer, you’re a partner. We work closely together every step of the way, ensuring an aligned vision.

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Extended search

Before we build, we listen. Each project begins with an immersion phase to understand your ambitions, your constraints and your customers.

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Strategic planning

Based on our discussions and your requirements, we draw up a robust strategic plan, balancing your current needs with your future aspirations.

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Iteration and validation

Your vision guides our creation. Our UX/UI teams work hand in hand with you to deliver user-centered design.

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Continuous feedback

Your feedback – and that of your users – is essential. By incorporating this feedback on a regular basis, we can guarantee a solution that perfectly matches identified needs.

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Test, analyze, optimize

Prior to launch, a rigorous testing phase is carried out to ensure that the application perfectly meets requirements.

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Delivery and support

Deployment is closely monitored by our teams, ensuring a smooth transition. And it doesn’t stop there; we monitor performance for ongoing adjustments.

The voices of our satisfied partners

The voices of our satisfied partners

what they say about us
“With Everense, our vision has become an exciting mobile reality. Their customer-centric approach is exceptional. Not only did they deliver a high-performance application, but they were with us every step of the way.”

Stéphanie M.

what they say about us

“I was blown away by the quality of the usability testing.” “With Everense, every decision is justified by hard data.”

Lucas D.
Marketing Director


a visible transformation

Redefining a startup's platform

Faced with stagnating conversion rates, this startup came to us to rethink their user experience. Thanks to a series of usability tests and design redesigns, we increased their conversion rate by 25% in just three months.


a visible transformation

Successful launch of an "ecology" app

An application dedicated to sustainability needed an intuitive design for a diverse audience. Through a combination of participatory workshops and user testing, we created an interface that was praised for its ease of use, contributing to a successful launch.

Un point d'interrogation sur fond noir, représentant une stratégie de contenu numérique personnalisée pour un développement Web personnalisé et une transformation numérique sur mesure.

Your questions, our answers

Discover the questions most frequently asked by our customers about our UI/UX design and usability testing solution. We provide you with clear answers to better meet your needs.

UI (User Interface) is about the visual aspect of your product – how it looks and feels. UX (User Experience), on the other hand, is about how the user interacts with your product, ensuring smooth, intuitive navigation. Both are essential to ensure an optimal user experience.

The duration depends on the complexity of the application. However, thanks to our agile methodology, we strive to speed up the process while guaranteeing quality. On average, a project can take from 3 to 6 months from conception to launch.

Safety is a top priority for Everense. We use the latest technologies and follow best practices to ensure that your application is secure. What’s more, we carry out regular tests to prevent any potential faults.

A well-designed interface results in a positive user experience. This is essential to guarantee user satisfaction and keep them coming back. As part of the digital transformation, they are the direct link between the user and your brand, influencing their perception and loyalty.

We believe in lasting partnerships. After launch, we continue to monitor your app’s performance, offer updates and are always there to support you. Our goal is your continued success.

Absolutely! At Everense, we believe in working closely with our customers. Your feedback is crucial to creating a design that matches your vision while meeting the needs of your users.

Take the first step towards an unrivalled user experience

In today’s digital landscape, a well-designed mobile application is more than just a tool: it’s your gateway to a growing global market. Everense is your partner of choice for turning your ideas into innovative, user-centered solutions.

Why is now the time to act?

According to statistics, 80% of users prefer to interact with companies via mobile applications. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with your target audience in a more personal and intuitive way.

What are you waiting for?

Inaction in the digital world means a missed opportunity every day. Your competitors are moving forward, and without a solid mobile strategy, you risk being left behind.

A missed opportunity?

By not adopting the right mobile solution, your company could be missing out on opportunities for growth, customer engagement and revenue. In an ever-changing world, stagnation is not an option.

Ready to take the lead in your digital transformation?