Accélérez votre transformation numérique avec Everense

Software testing and quality assurance

Beyond the code,
protect your reputation!

Beyond the code,
protect your reputation!

A software bug can cost a lot more than a simple fix. Your company’s reputation is at stake. Everense can ensure that your software meets the most stringent requirements and exceeds your users’ expectations.

A software bug can cost a lot more than a simple fix. Your company’s reputation is at stake. Everense can ensure that your software meets the most stringent requirements and exceeds your users’ expectations.

-50 %

costs related to post-launch corrections

-30 %

speed to market

-55 %

customer satisfaction with
improved performance

-50 %

costs related to post-launch corrections

-30 %

speed to market

-55 %

customer satisfaction with
improved performance

Une représentation graphique d'un fichier en cours de suppression avec une barre de progression indiquant le processus de suppression, destinée à la satisfaction du client.

Eliminate errors before
than they cost you

80% of users will abandon an application after a bad experience.

Bugs, slowness and security flaws are major obstacles to the success of your software project. Each unaddressed software failure can be costly, both financially and in terms of image.

Turn this obstacle into an opportunity: opt for high-performance, reliable testing solutions that will ensure your customers’ satisfaction and strengthen your reputation.

Increased trust

Make sure your software works as expected, every time

Optimized ROI

Avoid the hidden costs of undetected software errors

Preserved reputation

Deliver a seamless user experience and boost loyalty

Speed of execution

Launch your projects faster with automated agile testing

The devastating impact of untested software

75% of software
crippled by bugs:
test better

According to a recent study, almost 75% of organizations have experienced downtime due to software errors or bugs.

These problems, often due to inadequate or poorly executed tests, can be complex, costing time, energy and resources to resolve.

Illustration d'un ordinateur portable avec des icônes d'erreur et une loupe, symbolisant le dépannage ou les problèmes techniques et les logiciels de tests.

Hidden costs

Untested or poorly tested software doesn’t just have bugs: it can erode your customers’ confidence, increase your operating costs and reduce your profitability.

As soon as a system is down or an application is faulty, every minute means a potentially lost customer, a missed sale or a missed opportunity.

Does your software really live up to your ambitions?

Software testing &
quality assurance :
your digital shield

The robustness of your software is not an option.

Everense offers you a complete software testing and quality assurance solution to ensure that your product performs optimally while protecting your users.

Our services are designed to cover every aspect of the development cycle, from initial design to final deployment.

Illustration graphique d'une personne travaillant sur un ordinateur portable avec du code à l'écran et une loupe mettant en évidence un bug, représentant le débogage, la réduction des coûts de développement ou le développement de logiciels.

Strategic test planning

Opt for a precise roadmap, minimizing your costs while optimizing test coverage.

Performance tests

Make sure your software can handle the load and respond quickly, even under extreme conditions.

Safety tests

Protect your reputation and your data with rigorous testing against vulnerabilities and threats.

Reports and feedback management

Receive detailed insights to make informed decisions.

Update tests with software changes

Ensure that your tests remain relevant as your software evolves.

Automated testing

Thanks to automated repetitive testing, you can quickly detect regressions so you can deliver your software products faster.

Manual testing

Our team of experts simulates the user experience to identify subtle bugs sometimes overlooked by automation tools.

Tests on various devices and browsers

Guarantee a seamless user experience, whatever the platform used.

Continuous integration

Reduce risk with regular testing during development.

Quality assurance consulting

Benefit from Everense’s expertise to continuously improve your QA process.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of reliable software testing and an
robust quality assurance cannot be underestimated. With Everense at your side, you have a
dedicated partner to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to make your software more robust?

Une capture d'écran d'un jeu avec un fond orange.

Optimize performance, maximize satisfaction

In today’s digital age, smooth software operation isn’t just a benefit – it’s what your users expect.

With our software testing and quality assurance services, you benefit not only from a flawless end product, but also from a user experience that strengthens loyalty and accelerates growth.

When you entrust your testing and quality assurance needs to Everense, you’re not just choosing a service provider. You choose a partnership that understands your challenges and strives for excellence in every aspect of your digital presence.

Lower operating costs

Fewer bugs mean less maintenance, which means substantial savings in the long term.

Strengthening customer loyalty

Seamless software delivers a smooth user experience, increasing customer retention.

Shorter time-to-market

Our accelerated testing ensures rapid deployment, giving you a competitive edge.

Enhanced brand reputation

High-quality software is synonymous with confidence, solidifying your position in the market.


You can rest easy knowing that your data and your customers' data are safe from threats.

The keys to insurance
impeccable quality

Success is in the details, and that’s where our methodology shines. With Everense, you can be sure of a comprehensive approach that leaves nothing to chance.

The keys to insurance
impeccable quality

Success is in the details, and that’s where our methodology shines. With Everense, you can be sure of a comprehensive approach that leaves nothing to chance.

Un simple dessin au trait d'une clé traditionnelle pour les logiciels de tests.

A science,
not a guessing game

When it comes to managing software testing, you must never leave anything to chance.

Our approach is based on proven methods, ensuring that every line of code is scrutinized.

Thanks to the Everense methodology, quality isn’t a promise, it’s a guarantee.

Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with one of our experts for an overview of our testing protocols or to find out about the quality standards we adhere to.

Personne analysant des données sur un ordinateur avec des éléments infographiques en arrière-plan, en se concentrant sur les tests de performances logicielles.
Un simple dessin au trait d'une clé traditionnelle pour les logiciels de tests.

Foolproof adaptability

Technologies are evolving at lightning speed. Our methodology doesn’t just keep pace; it anticipates.

We are constantly adapting our processes to stay at the cutting edge and ensure optimum results for our customers.

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Detailed analysis

Before we start, we dive deep to understand your software environment, ensuring that our tests are relevant and comprehensive.

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Strategic planning

Each project receives a tailor-made plan, designed to address the specific challenges presented by your software.

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Automated testing

By automating part of the testing process, we guarantee speed and accuracy, enabling instant detection of anomalies.

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Rigorous manual testing

Human expertise is irreplaceable. Our experts evaluate every aspect to ensure an optimal user experience.

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Continuous feedback

You’re never in the dark. Receive regular, detailed feedback on progress and discoveries.

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Safety first

Beyond bugs, we track down all potential flaws to guarantee flawless security.

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Continuous integration

By integrating testing into the development process, problems are detected and corrected in real time.

Image qui décris une Ellipse
Post-project reviews

Once the project is finished, we look back at each step for future improvements.

Witnesses to our excellence...

Witnesses to our excellence...

what they say about us

Everense has transformed our approach to software testing. Our products have never performed better. The peace of mind Everense brings is priceless. They are true experts in quality assurance

Sophie D.
IT Director

what they say about us

I was skeptical at first, but Everense has far exceeded my expectations. Their rigor is impressive. The team of testers was able to adapt to our software’s complexity, all with great responsiveness.

Arnaud B.


a visible transformation

Rescuing a
mobile application

When our customer’s mobile application began to suffer from incessant bugs, they turned to us.

Within a few weeks, not only were the problems solved, but the application became faster and more intuitive.

A success that translated into a 50% increase in their user retention rate.


a visible transformation

Optimization of a
e-commerce platform

A fast-growing online sales platform was facing scalability problems.

With our intervention, not only can the platform now handle thousands of transactions simultaneously, but the conversion rate has also increased by 30%.

A transformation that has propelled our customer to the forefront of e-commerce.

Un point d'interrogation sur fond noir, représentant une stratégie de contenu numérique personnalisée pour un développement Web personnalisé et une transformation numérique sur mesure.

Your questions, our answers

Navigating the world of software testing can seem complex. We’ve put together some frequently asked questions to help you on your way.

Everense relies on a combination of cutting-edge technology and human expertise. Our methodology is designed to adapt to any software challenge, guaranteeing optimum quality and performance for every project. Our team of experts is constantly up to date with the latest trends in the field.

Everense is an agency specializing in digital transformation. We offer strategic advice, customized solutions and technical expertise to support you at every stage of your digital journey.

We offer a full range of services, including digital transformation consulting, web development, mobile app creation, software testing, content strategy, and design thinking.

Our prices depend on the specific needs of each customer. We offer free consultations to understand your needs and establish personalized rates.

Everense is present in several regions, including Europe, the Middle East and the Indian Ocean. We offer local support and expertise while being culturally sensitive and adaptable.

Everense stands out for its personalized approach, its commitment to customer success and its ability to provide tailor-made solutions.

Optimized QA? Yes we can!

The quality of your software is a direct reflection of the quality of your business. With Everense, you can
benefit from a holistic approach to ensuring unrivalled software performance. Our experience
coupled with a proven methodology positions you for success.

The figures speak for themselves

80% of companies that have invested in robust quality assurance have seen a significant increase in customer satisfaction. Don’t miss this opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

The cost of neglect

Each undetected bug can cost up to 15 times more if identified after production. Insufficient quality assurance is a risk you can’t afford.

The risks of inaction

In a world where digital is king, a software failure can mean financial losses, a damaged reputation and unhappy customers. Choosing the status quo could cost you far more than you imagine.

Ready to guarantee the quality of your software?