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La conversion manuelle des cas de test est-elle votre goulot d’étranglement ?

La conversion manuelle des cas de test est-elle votre goulot d’étranglement ?

I have noticed that IT companies have tons of manual test cases , which creates a huge bottleneck for test execution and automation. All these companies face the same challenges:

  • It’s hard to know what these manual tests actually do.
  • Most or all of these tests are performed manually

Change is needed! What if you could simply convert these test cases to make them automatable in a few easy steps?

The idea is powerful: “Automate what can be automated”. How much time do you spend on converting manual tests? Is your team motivated enough to convert all these tests? Testers should produce tests, not spend their time on tasks that can be automated . Especially when faced with the challenges of cost and time constraints. So you will probably forget the idea of ​​​​automating existing test cases and that’s sad. The good news is that it is possible to save all this time and energy. Now a new approach can bring you a new way to do it. Let me detail the solution behind it.

When you have a manual test case, you have documentation for the manual tests, and to keep it simple, I’ll call it Microsoft Excel files. In your Excel sheet, you’ll find test cases, and in each test case, you’ll find requirements, test step descriptions, and expected results. To generate an automation script from that, you need a little more. Test data is needed, and you usually have all that test data at each step of the test! Then you can say that a test step is based on a keyword with some parameters . Here’s how to easily create an executable script for a test case. If we step back and look at more than one test case, a pattern emerges. Of course, there’s a potential problem with automatically converting test descriptions. They were originally created by humans, and humans aren’t 100% rigorous in what they do. For example, the same keyword can be described using different words in a test suite. And believe me, it is difficult to manage. But now it is possible to extract similarities using an importer and we can help the tool to understand all these similarities. This is how we can understand manual test cases. This is a simple explanation on how to convert some manual tests into automated test scripts.

A second advantage is the ability to read and understand all these manual test cases, import them and create models from them.
import and create models from them
. This way you can modify the model according to all your test cases and also understand and see your test cases in the model explorer. All requirements imported from manual test cases are added to the model and you can track requirement changes! Of course, from the model you can regenerate new documentation and test scripts!

In conclusion, this can add a new dimension and value to your business. This is just the beginning of a big change that will allow you to enter the world of model-based testing . But it is much more than model-based testing. It is a new way to improve control over the tests you want to generate, improve visibility into what you are doing, and accelerate the speed of testing in your business.

And you, how do you manage the manual conversion of test cases?

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